Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Self-God

I am the self-god carved from bone
Risen from the deprived depths
Where I once lay neglected
By the impotent church
Who couldn't achieve a bone
Never mind be made of the stuff

I am the self-god, conceived of truth
speaking out against the liar church
the ones who come with empty pockets
and leave with pockets stuffed with blood
and sometimes cash
I am not so easily shaken

I am the self-god, the skeptical one
Who even doubts himself
If I call you into question
Then I should call myself into question too
But I've stood strong against you
And your stones are overturned

I am the self-god, disciple of science
One who revels in truth
I care not for your creation
Because it is as thin as the pages
Of the lies you read in your book
But I have many books

I am the self-god, born from knowledge
And I have read and measured and seen
And my heaven is filled with truth
And my heaven is filled with science
And the demons crawl on the face of the church
screaming, "Mene Mene Tekel Uparsin"

I am the self-god, agnostic and atheist (sometimes)
I only believe in myself
Because you have offered little proof
When the children starve you have faith
While I question the need of you
Sitting on your golden thrones

I am the self-god, born of blood
Shed by your blade
Left rotting in the fields
Didn't you know that
If you leave blood for long enough
It will stand up and demand voting rights

I am the self-god, found in flesh
Proud of the deepest urge that you neglect
That you pile under your bullshit
Calling it "ethic"
Didn't you know your mom and dad fucked
To make you?


Done (The Last Poem of 2011)

Spun thin like cotton strands
Pulled thin like an elastic band
Beaten thin like gold foil
Their greedy hands
I watch my head boil
in the mirror, covered in sand
And I'm pissed off and used
Hiding under the dune
Like a snake, coiled
All my plans foiled
And I get up and mess up your plans
Leaving you confused
With my skin shed, the old part of me you abused


Friday, December 02, 2011

Never Rose

Perhaps a little song for Rose
     A girl caught in the proper pose
         To walk on eggshells, pointed toes
To be the best she can be

The perfect wife, she cooks and sews
     She scrubs and cleans, she weeds and sows
         Her proper manner, her neat clothes
To be the best she can be

Her short-cut nails, her powdered nose
     Her hair tied up with lace and bows
         Hair prim, regardless when wind blows
To be the best she can be

Ever cites the sweetest prose
     She's never haughty, never gauche
         She plays the game as best she knows
To be the best she can be

She's ever careful where she goes
     The party halls, the movie shows
         Prefers the well-lit aisle-side rows
To be the best she can be

Her eyes as gentle as a doe's
     Belies her deeper troubled woes
         She hides her heart's most inner throws
To be the best she can be

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Problem with a Christian God

I do not know of what you speak
when you say of this you know
of God almighty high above
or horned devil down below
I sang the songs, I read the book
like every Christian person
and yet I see no proof of God
no love, no rhyme, no reason

for in the streets the children starve
and inside the children cry
what God of love could ever so
allow just one child to die
and there are sick and manifold
and still mercy passes by
abundant as the years grow old
we simply endure to die

and still you claim beneficence
when our suffering is high
human misery is our truth
that never once passes by
and bred into the human bone
such pain, misery and woe
that our lack of your salvation
is all worship that we know

and still the church vehemently
defends its little hold
to cast the poor from bed and heath
to go battle out the cold
through war and hate and corruption
a grim history of greed
two thousand years and still the same
these old stories that they read

so if God be God only if
this God can and will comply
yet human suffering endures
so this does not satisfy
for if God is willing but cannot
then he must be impotent
if God can act but does not care
then he is malevolent

if God cannot nor does not care
then why call him our own Lord
then why salute his heralds here
and to die beneath their sword
if this is God then let him speak
and come stand accountable
for if he is the God they claim
then he is responsible

and if their God does not answer
then they must take his old place
to answer for the wounds they caused
to our sex and class and race
the church cannot expect to stand
with both feet in our deep graves
and preach a gospel sweet and pure
of our God above who saves

the church cannot expect to thrive
while robbing the beggars blind
and preaching that it only has
our very interests in mind
the church cannot expect our souls
and strip us down to the core
the church cannot take all of us
and still demand even more

remember when they caught the witch
in old past forgotten times
and burned her on a fire of lies
for these imaginary crimes
remember when they came to save
darkest Africa from sin
and said that they should thank Europe
when they then came barging in

remember when they said to men
who dared sleep with other men
that God comes with his gnashing teeth
to consume and to torture them
so damn the world that disagrees
for failing blind compliance
and coddle all the naive brats
through their own pseudoscience

if God above there ever was
that holds any truth for me
the Christian god is not the one
for he simply cannot be
and if he is; his church alone
makes for his sole discredit
if they should hate, then why believe
in them that says he let it

I do not know of what you speak
when you say of this you know
of God almighty high above
or horned devil down below
But if per chance you have some proof
by all means come and share it
For proof of burden lies on those
Who claim and never dare it


In this poem I would like to thank the philosophical work of Sam Harris

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Critic in the Shadows

You say you know better
Show me
Teach me what it is that I am ignorant of

You stand there
Speaking from the shadows
Telling of how I am flawed

When I am stripped to the bone
For all to see
My flesh exposed

My soul bare
No secrets to hide
No respite from shame

And I spoke with no ill intent
And I spoke truth
And I said what was on my heart

But you're sitting in the dark
From your vantage point
Saying that I am flawed

Come out into the light
Come out from your shadows
To where we can see you

Strip yourself naked next to me
Unveil yourself as I have
Make yourself known and explain things

Tell the world of your secret knowledge
And from which book you read
Tell us your secrets

Show us your teacher
Surely he knows as well
And his teacher before him

Show us your grand revelation
Your oracle, Your augur
Your herald, Your envoy

And tell us why you are so privileged
Tell us why it is you know
And nobody else

You say these things from shadows
But how can we believe you
You offer us no recompense

So come and sit at my table
Eat from my plate
Drink from my cup

And hope that when they see you
As you are

You will withstand the fire
Better than I have

Perhaps then
You will see
I'm not called Phoenix for sport

Saturday, October 08, 2011

The Fault of Film Noir (part 1 of 2)

Clandestine meetings of the scope and scale that Trevor had suddenly become a part of had never been a part of what Trevor would have considered to be a worthwhile way to spend a Saturday evening. Certainly, Trevor would much prefer to, say, sit down somewhere, somewhere warmer, somewhere dryer, somewhere less unnerving than this place. Indeed, Trevor was standing in the middle of nowhere, in some god-forsaken park situated with a row of houses to the left and to the right, a school behind him and a dark thicket ahead. But, Trevor had begrudgingly agreed to this errand and had brought along the package that his friend, Jerry, had given him. It was a brown box about the size of a toaster wrapped in brown and clear packing tape and, knowing Jerry, probably did indeed contain a toaster. Trevor had known Jerry long enough not to ask.

And here, in the middle of nowhere, miles away from home and work, Trevor stood, waiting. It was around ten or eleven at night. The sky had taken on that dusty shade of night-time overcast and pollution highlighted by the impressively bright street lights that gave the sky that sort of rusted look, as though the sky was iron and it had wet itself. As mentioned before, the street lights were impressively bright. Trevor thought to himself that perhaps some child had been levelled at the crossing and the angry parents had petitioned, whomever a person petitions to do such things, to have a thousand watt bulbs placed in the lamps which lit Trevor up in a spectacular fashion, underpinning his presence as if announcing it to the whole world. How's that for a long sentence, but I'm allowed to since I was watching the whole scene unfold and I think of myself as a rather magnificent story teller, so shut it and listen up.

Trevor had waited for about twenty minutes before it started to rain. He was visibly upset. He thought to himself that perhaps he should have brought someone along, perhaps someone with their own car. How do I know what he was thinking? I don't know! He told me! I'm psychic! Get over it. He reached into his pocket for his phone to call a cab to come fetch him when Pete came shuffling through the thicket like a fox tearing through a packet of potato crisps. Pete straightened his jacket and walked cavalierly towards Trevor as if he was the essence of style and grace, while catching his boot on the edge of a see-saw in the long grass and falling headlong onto his face and disappearing into the wet grass. He bobbed up like a meerkat and cleared his throat. Trevor approached him and asked,
"You all right?"
Trevor shook the droplets from him and grunted, "Yea, I'm good."
"Are you supposed to be fetching this box?"
Pete looked at the box and Trevor could see the cog turn in his head.
"Oh yea! Does it snow in the towns in York?"
"Do they go putting crowns on pork?"
"What?" Trevor was getting annoyed.
"I don't know, I can't remember. Do they show clowns riding on a stork?"
"What in God's name are you going on about?" Trevor was annoyed now and not afraid to show it, "Is this your box? Are you the one Jerry spoke of?"
"You're not Jerry?" Pete said with his usual face of, they didn't tell me what to do if this happens.
"No, who are you?"
"I'm Pete," he smiled and a voice harrumphed in the background from behind some trees, "I mean, I'm nobody, see. Did you bring the package?"
"This box?"
"Yea," he said blankly. There was a moment of silence when nothing happened. Even Trevor's mind didn't tick over.

The owner of the harrumpant voice strode from behind a tree and into the harsh light and the faint spray of wet stinking mist was now descending upon the company of three at the speed of depression.
"Oh for fuck sakes," Trevor said uncomfortably stashing the box under his right arm and scratching himself with his left hand, "Who are you now?"
"I apologise," the woman said, "My name is Amanda, you can call me Susan."
"I believe Jerry sent you here with that package?"
"Yeees," Trevor answered in a sceptically drawn out way.

At this stage, I had also strayed into the river of wet grass and Trevor, upon seeing me looked as though a piece of his soul dropped from the inner shelves of his soul. He sighed heavily and looked on as if saying, now who the fuck is this?
"Good evening," I said, "Mr. Trevor Black, I assume. How lovely it is to meet you. Amanda, how radiant you look in the halogen light and Pete, you're also here."
"How do you know my name?" Trevor protested.
"Oh, I'm psychic, or somebody must have told me," I lied. "I believe Jerry gave that box to you to hand to us."
Trevor extended his arms, holding the package with his finger tips as if the events that preceded our meeting had made the package somewhat undesirable. I took the package and handed it to Pete.
"Go away now Pete," I said, "and don't drop it."
Pete smiled in his usual vacant way and trundled along like a walrus walking on syrup.

"I do apologise that we had kept you waiting this long," I said.
Susan/Amanda smiled sarcastically and turned around and disappeared into the thicket. I stood there with Trevor whom was processing an array of restrained outrage, utter confusion and budding hysterical amusement. I motioned to the road.
"Would you like lift?" I said to Trevor.
"Honestly, I'm rather too afraid to say yes."
"Aah, good. The car will be here in a minute or so."
"No, I meant to say no," Trevor protested.
"I often find that when someone says something that I do not wish to hear, I reject it outright, replace what I heard with something favourable and reply in such a way as to suggest that I had heard indeed what I wanted to hear and remind the person respectfully of how pleased I am that I heard what I wanted to hear because I'd have to hurt them otherwise."
"What are you saying; You won't take 'no' for an answer," Trevor smirked.
And I said, "You picked up on this conversation rather quickly," I smiled widely and I do have a very lovely smile.
The car arrived as the descending mist turned into falling polluted jelly drops. Trevor stepped into the left back seat of the car, half curious, half taking my threat seriously. He sat down and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the reddish rain from his face.
"Disgusting isn't it?" I said as I closed the door to the right of the car. The driver was Mr. Tull. I had never known his first name, although I do admit I had never been given to care much.
"What do you want," Trevor asked of me like a hook plucking my thoughts from the seas of nomenclature.
"To take you home," I said matter-of-factly. He eyed me suspiciously and I smiled my lovely smile again. "I do have a lovely smile don't I?"
"I mean, not that you'd care, you know, your wife and everything."
"So where would you like us to take you?"
"Soho, please."
"Urh," I scoffed, "How Bohemian. I bet you're a chef or an artist or something."
"Art dealer, actually."
"Thought as much," I said derisively

Trevor looked ahead to Mr. Tull, a giant lump of a man, whom ignored the two of us and I was trying my best to ignore him, he is rather dull, but Trevor looked at Mr. Tull then to the road, as if concerned about where we were taking him, because at this stage Mr. Tull turned onto the highway, which in hindsight may seem like we were going in the opposite direction. Honestly, speaking we were taking him directly home. I had the directions on my GPS and my Blackberry. Seriously, we weren't going to like kidnap him or shove him into the boot. Not initially. I promise. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.
"You can ignore, Mr. Tull," I said, "He's a mute you see. I can call his mother a range of things including barnyard animals and low-rent prostitutes and he couldn't respond if he wanted to."
Mr. Tull at this point started to make angry gurgling noises that I would write out as, "Fug hoo, hoo fwuggri bafpup..." but you get the point.

It was at this stage that somebody had the nerve to start shooting at us. Darling Trevor ducked as glass sprayed throughout the inside of the car.
Mr. Tull spat, "Fuggi ell," and swerved the car from left to right as if he were a hoki-poki dancer playing you put your left car in, you put your right car out.
I sat from my undeniably suitable position to view the spectacle rather enjoying the view as if it had all been orchestrated for my benefit, and I would have believed that it was for my benefit if I didn't know any better and that this whole situation wasn't going to make me late for my midnight tea.

The car spun around somehow and the back lifted and landed in such a way that the back axel landed on a block of concrete, an already overturned barrier, situated here for purposes of the plot yet to unfold. Mr. Tull pulled out a thirty-eight and shot four rounds. The car, whom had shot at us stopped accelerating, lazily edged to the right and slowly punched into some upright concrete barriers. Glass flew everywhere, some smoke and mangled bones, but luckily Mr. Tull made sure that they were already dead.

Trevor at this stage got the strange notion into his head that now was a bad time to find the situation humorous. I was indifferent. Mr. Tull was proud, but who cares about him.
"Why the hell did I agree to do this for Jerry?" Trevor exploded as he kicked open his door and popped out of the car. He began walking, away, a direction that wasn't favourable for me.
"Mr. Tull," I said, "Would you be a darling and fetch him."
"Aai geh im fo woo," Mr. Tull gurgled, some spit dribbling thoroughly disgusting me and I retired my attention to my Blackberry. I rather enjoy social networking you see. It's all about staying connected.
"Mr. Tull, don't worry about me... hey... Hey!"
(Here's a good place to imagine a stereotypical bonk-like noise.)
I was checking for any incoming messages as Mr. Tull struggled to open the deformed boot of the car, deposited Trevor and pushed the car off the concrete block and returned the whole situation to a respectable one-eighty-degrees. We drove off slowly and the car bobbed up and down as the one back wheel was no longer touching the road, but I imagined myself to be on a fairground ride and enjoyed the bobbing for what it was worth.

We arrived about an hour later and I was grateful. Mr. Trevor Black in the back had gotten it into his head to start making noise. How odd this little man was - getting all these notions into his head. Such a good thing that he decided to come along with us. I can't imagine how I would have felt had he decided otherwise.

Amanda/Susan had arrived with Pete in the passenger seat in a much less exciting mode of transportation that did not bob up and down. Pete had taken to assuaging his boredom with one of those ball-on-a-rope-in-a-cup type toys that Susan/Amanda had bought for him to keep his tiny mind occupied.

We all disembarked and Mr. Tull had dragged the lively body of Mr. Trevor Black from the boot of the car and sat him down with some lovely restraints to keep him comfortable and warm. Pete had shuffled to the kitchen and withdrawn two dozen cups and saucers, two teapots and a number of condiments including tomato sauce, chutney and Worchestershire sauce. For some reason he always brought everything out for tea. I had made the mistake of asking why once, which resulted in an explanation that I don't fully understand to this day. You see, Pete isn't slow. Quite to the contrary, Pete is probably the smartest man here, barring of course my fabulous self. He's good with numbers though and computers: can get you into the Queen's computer with an abacus and a radish. If you want bat-shit crazy, that's Amanda, who we sometimes call Susan. Well Susan is fine, but Amanda you have to watch out for. Susan/Amanda is like our big sister, always checking up on us. Amanda/Susan, on the other hand, is everything but, moonlights as our resident psychopath, assassin and bitch; occasionally getting high on stupid notions of feminism and bra burning and empowered women and hating Oprah Winfrey for what she's done to some school kids in Nigeria or something.

Trevor was still making his bizarre noises in the comfy chair and Pete undid his gag and offered him tea.
"What the fuck is going on? Who the fuck are you people? Why the hell..." he went on. I sat down and enjoyed myself to some lovely sweet tea. I looked at Trevor and smiled. I did mention that I have a lovely smile. I got lost on his chin. He had one of those dimples in the middle of his chin. What did they call it again? A chin claft... oh a chin cleft that's right! His was unusually deep. I wondered for a moment whether if he laid down whether he could keep tea in it and drink from it by tilting his head back. His voice echoed but I was transfixed. Then my mind wandered to the notes and timbres of his voice. Do other people's voices echo like this? Or do you have to be tied up?
Amanda came by and sat down, she was angry. Susan asked her to calm down but Amanda wouldn't have it, so Susan poured them a cup of tea. Amanda drank it begrudgingly. Mr. Tull sat down and put his cajoling stick, the one that had resulted on Trevor's ride in the boot, on the table, signifying to Mr. Trevor Black that this was probably a good time to be keeping quiet. Trevor had reached the same conclusion and everybody was happy to be in agreement.

Friday, September 30, 2011

That we would bleed

That we would bleed
We were set upon the land
By an angered church
And beset on every side
Stood our new enemy
Whom we'd never known
And God smiled at us from a distance
Stuck behind the rhetoric
Of a gluttonous church
And we fought valiantly
As we watched our men and women dragged away
And our children raped
And our elderly slaughtered
We held up our arms to the sky
And we bled
But the rhetoric didn't save us
And we starved
And the scripture didn't feed us
And the church looked upon us
From a distance with full coffers
And we were handed to the enemy
That we would bleed
And meet a surprised God
Who hadn't expected
To see us this soon


Sunday, September 25, 2011


[this is still largely a poem under construction - please watch this place for further developments]

I feel inconsequential sometimes
Because of what you've done
You stole from me
You raped me
Over and over again
You destroyed my home and family
You tore apart my life
So I was quiet

You came to my bed at night
You put your hand on my ass
You put your cock in my mouth
And when I cried you hit me
And when I was quiet you hated me
When nobody was looking
When nobody cared
So I was quiet

You stole our home
You kept us alone at night
So that nobody would see
You raped my mother
You raped my grandmother
You pretty much raped anything if
You could get your pants off in time
So I was quiet

And your hatred for black people
Was shouted through every window
Proclaimed to the world
Except when you slept with other men's wives
Who weren't white
But when my friends were black
You threatened to kick me out
You threatened my life
So I was quiet

You tore at the land with your machines
You took the metals and gold
You made yourself rich
And left me and the ones I love
You left us to die
And now you hate us
Because we weathered the storm
So I was quiet

And you ran to the church
Where else can paedophiles hide
And you became a Mighty Man
How else do boys become men
But to rape their children
To slap their wives around
To threaten sixty five year old women
So I was quiet

But I'm not that twelve year old anymore
I won't be quiet anymore
I won't simply stand idly by
And let you rape and steal
You're just another colonizer
To be kicked out
And liberation comes quickly
I will not be quiet anymore

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Everybody hates Mary Dysentery (Also called: A Note on Misogyny)

Mary, Mary Dysentery
Hated by all as a matter of fact
The townsfolk may have spared her
Had she shown a shred of tact

The baker down the street
Thought that Mary was a bitch
He said that he should much preferred
That she'd starved in a ditch

The cobbler said that he as well
Would vote to have her slaughtered
To have her whipped, to have her chained
To have her drawn and quartered

The butcher had it in for her
As did the tanner in the fen
The lawyer and the carpenter
And the smith down in the glen

The parish vicar shook his fist
With odious detestation
He thought that Mary was a cow
Who deserved much castigation

And everybody hated her
For everything she said
To each and every wife
Who's man came to her bed

The major too had bedded her
And rang his copper bell
He called all the men together
And they drowned her in a well

Mary, Mary Dysentery
Where is your garden fair
Around a well under Ipswich's bell
At the foot of the Chapel's stair


Friday, September 09, 2011

Church and Science don't mix... (or alternatively Michele Bachmann is an Idiot)

I've thought about this for a while now
I don't know the truth
But I like the idea of evolution though
You say I'm mistaken
You like creationism
But I just feel that evolution is more likely

I've seen the 'science' on your side
Mostly just pseudo-science
And pseudo-skepticism
(Seriously; look up pseudo-skepticism)
And I'm not really convinced
But that's not the problem I have

You see: What you've done to me
And to others like me
Kinda... discredits everything you've said
And everything you stand for
You can't preach "God"
With blood on your hands

You can't say that your way is right
And do wrong
And expect everyone to turn a blind eye
So if you take issue
Tell it to my scars
And excuse me as I walk away

Child abuse
Narcissistic Injury
This is what your 'science' means to me


Saturday, May 21, 2011


I love running my nails over the skin of an orange
And smelling the sweet citrus smell
I'm not sure if that makes me all together sane
But I won't tell if you won't tell

I love feeling the juice running from my mouth
down my neck, staining my shirt, a sticky spell
I'm not sure if that makes me all together sane
But I won't tell if you won't tell

I love chewing on the rind, the grit in my teeth
 That stings my gums and taunts them to swell
I'm not sure if that makes me all together sane
But I won't tell if you won't tell

I don't know if you like oranges like I do
And if how I eat them makes me seem unwell
I'm not sure if that makes me all together sane
But I won't tell if you won't tell


Monday, April 25, 2011


I know who you are now
I thought I did before
But I realized today that
Knowing you and getting to know you
Are the same thing

I got to know you a little bit more today
When I heard of the sixteen year old
The child you raped
At a twenty first birthday party
So many years ago

The cover up was smooth
So many signed their souls away
To protect you
Lied for you
Put themselves in the crossfire

But I know you
And I know what you are
For years I thought
That I was alone
But I'm learning how wrong I was

Your time is running out
You filthy paedophile
And somehow I'm sad
That it won't be me
Who slits your throat

03h49 Monday 25 April 2011