Friday, August 28, 2015


I think my charger is broken
my psyche won't recharge
it's spent
like an age-worn battery
and I'm running on safe-mode
coffee doesn't help
a cold shower doesn't help
I try to sleep
like trying to fill up a tankless car
the petrol just spills onto the road
I'm running on empty


Wednesday, August 26, 2015


your hand uninvited
touching me
and I've kept my cool
my anger masked
still you won't stop
even though I've asked
now I'm waiting
for your next intrusion
to bring your entitlement
to a stark conclusion.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

pearl one, stitch two

pearl one, stitch two,

today is a long day,

pearl one stitch two,
stir the cup,

longer than usual,

pearl one, stitch two,
stir the cup,
have a bath,

i’m struggling,

pearl one, stitch two,
stir the cup,
have a bath,
make a sandwich,

watching the hours pass,

pearl one, stitch two,
stir the cup,
have a bath,
make a sandwich,
sit in the dark,

I can’t cope today,

pearl one, stitch two,
stir the cup,
have a bath,
make a sandwich,
sit in the dark,
turn up the music,

so I won’t,

pearl one, stitch two,
stir the cup,
have a bath,
make a sandwich,
sit in the dark,
turn up the music,
dance in the dark,

i’ll just sit here,


Friday, August 21, 2015


Tune of the unjust;
the long song.
Drawn out to lash the weak,
and praise the strong.
Heavens, no!
What ever could go wrong?
When anger stirs,
in the maddening throng.
Sing for me then,
lashing with your fist.
Grab my hair, my throat,
my thighs, my wrist.
But you can't undo me,
no matter how you insist.
I am here, always,
and always I persist.


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Calm Waters

you're playing a dangerous game
if you think I'm something you can tame
just because I've a broad, bright smile
and been so placid all the while

my patience undeniable
you think I'm soft and pliable
you prod and poke at every bruise
cutting short at temper's fuze

be warned small child
and have no doubt
I'll chew you up
and spit you out


Wednesday, August 12, 2015


if you are more concerned
with property destroyed
than lives lost to abuse:
then you are the problem

if riots irk you more
than things they represent
more than those children killed:
then you are the problem

if you spend more time on
vindicating whiteness
than challenging black death:
then you are the problem

if you spend more time on
defending your straightness
than challenging queer death:
then you are the problem

your personal comfort
is not worth more than lives
the lives killed by your kind:
since you are the problem

when you bought into that
you, holier than thou
a 'pure- hearted' bigot:
you became the problem

if you think that riots
are so unbecoming
but you don't dare ask why:
you're the fucking problem

you have no right calling
yourself a liberal
you are not progressive:
you're the fucking problem

you don't care about them
the people who suffer
the people who have died:
you're the fucking problem


Sunday, August 09, 2015

Is my tea stolen?

is there a term for white taste?
like white gaze
but an appreciation for the taste of dark skin
my tea might be stolen, you see
the product of slavery
a colonial tell
a capitalist sell
and the taste that white people develop
for all things not white
except for brown lives, of course
they don't seem to matter when it comes to white consumption
the deadly, unjust appropriation of everything of colour
except the lives that made them
understand that my tea comes at a price
far grander than the corporate sale
a tale of trade
a rand for pound of tea


Saturday, August 08, 2015

Forgotten Heroes (The Leading Ladies of Stonewall)

Stormé DeLarverie, the guardian of lesbians:

"It was a rebellion,
it was an uprising,
it was a civil rights disobedience —
it wasn’t no damn riot."

Marsha P. Johnson, the revolutionary heart for the homeless:

"I was no one,
from Nowheresville
until I became a drag queen.
That's what made me in New York,
that's what made me in New Jersey,
that's what made me in the world."

Sylvia Rivera, the queen of charity and activism:

"Today, we have to fight back against the government. 
We have to fight them back. 
They’re cutting back Medicaid, 
cutting back on medicine for people with AIDS. 
They want to take away from women on welfare 
and put them into that little work program. 
They’re going to cut SSI. 
Now they’re taking away food stamps. 
These people who want the cuts – 
these people are making millions and millions and millions of dollars as CEOs. 
Why is the government going to take it away from us? 
What they’re doing is cutting us back. 
Why can’t we have a break?"

Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, the rouser for justice:

"Puppy's murder made me aware 
that we were not safe or untouchable 
and that if someone does touch us, 
no one gives a shit. 
We only have each other...
So I started looking out for myself … 
whenever we got into a car [we] would write down as much information as possible. 
We would try (to)...get a guy to walk outside the car so that everyone could see him, 
so we all knew who he was if she didn’t come back. 
That’s how it started. 
Since no one was going to do it for us, 
we had to do it for ourselves."

Brenda Howard, the mother of pride:

"Bi, Poly, Switch—I’m not greedy, I know what I want."

And the Children of the Revolution:

"We are the Stonewall girls
We wear our hair in curls
We don't wear underwear
We show our pubic hair."


Thursday, August 06, 2015


What do we do when we have no heroes?
When we live in a broken and hurting world,
who do we turn to?
Who guides us when we are lost,
lost at a time where being without bearing will get you killed?
What do we do when the people we look up to are flawed?
When the only guidance they can offer is partial?
When our heroes are so far removed from us?
What happens if everything about you is erased?
On television? In print? In courts? In sports?
What happens if people don't think you exist?
Because you have no heroes?
Nobody to show the world who you are?
Instead they've propped up some doll,
some manikin,
a bookmark quick-reference for them.
They have something to look at,
and instantly know you.
Some false idol so they can say:
"Hey, I know you!"
while at the same time, no,
no, they don't know you at all.
They've wholeheartedly made up the story,
and convinced themselves it's the truth.
Then they punish us because we haven't bought into that story.
Because our so-called heroes were never telling our story.
They're not there for us.
They are not our heroes.
Our heroes' stories are not told.
They're hidden stories.
Between pages.
Between lines.
Between the rich sir's sheets and his legs.
In alleyways beaten up and bleeding.
In the sights of a gun.
Under a police officer's baton.
They're tragic stories of dead people.
Stories written in blood and tears.
Our heroes aren't on prime time television.
Our heroes are in the obituaries.


Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Petrol to Douse the Flame

sure, let's add more guns
because I full well understand
yes petrol is not the fire
that doesn't mean
throwing petrol periodically onto the flames
is going to put the fire out
especially the way you do it
by throwing war, bigotry, guns
all into one pit
and hoping your efforts won't go up in smoke
