Saturday, March 17, 2012

To B with Love

When you cried, I shared your tears
You wet my shoulder through the years
I watched you cut through guys like hair
As often as you changed underwear

I stood by you when you fell down
You'd drink to make your sorrows drown
I did these things because I knew
That you loved me like I loved you

You'd snatch guys up and spit them out
And watch them beg, you'd smile and pout
And string them down the road like sheep
Like some psychotic Lil' Bo Peep

And you got high on Jesus gas
And stuck the Bible up your ass
And then let on that you were pure
That none could tarnish your allure

You got high on that mighty horse
And preached a storm with no recourse
How gays and fags and dikes and queers
Deserved to die in blood and tears

And after all they might as well
Since they are predestined for hell
So we should stone them, this you know
For the Bible tells you so

So to a bitch from this old runt
I loved you once, you stupid cunt
And though you think you've gotten far
We all know who you really are

So bring your stones, make sure they land
and then look to your bloodstained hand
See how you became so much more
A killer as well as a whore

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Commedia dell'Arte

Are you happy with me
Here where I stand?
Jester in your court
I stand
Your loyal servant
I stand
All day
My feet pain
Ready with a joke
With a witty reply
The prepared anecdote
To make you laugh
And you laugh heartily 
With the food gurgling
In your gullet
Laugh at me
While I whisper
Some advice into your ear
And you call me
To advise you when none look
And I answer as best I can
With the very marrow of my bones
Your harlequin
Your loyal servant
In my bright clothes
And my silly walk
As I stand eager
To snatch the gold 
From your fingers
That I may go home
And my children will say
"Zanni have you food for us"
And I will say
"Not much"
And my children will say
"But weren't you funny?
You are a Zanni?"
And I will say
"Very. I was very funny
But our master
Does not get the real joke."


Gender These Days

The crone rules with wisdom and compassion
The mother rules with love and sacrifice
The maiden rules with freedom and courage
The old man rules with bitterness and regret
The father rules with a violent fist and hatred
The young man rules with recklessness and abandon

Then the young man cuts the skin with his careless knife
The crone must sew up the stitches and heal the wounds
When the father comes at night to rape and slaughter
The mother must comfort and console
When the old man embitters the world with his cynicism
The young girl can melt his heart with a flower


Monday, March 12, 2012

Into Gear

Don't lead me places where you aren't willing to go
Don't tell me things that you aren't willing to hear
Don't ask me for feelings you aren't willing to show
Stop fucking around and get your arse into gear


Tuesday, March 06, 2012


I have chosen my path
And I walk it with certainty
I know my enemy
I can even call him by his name
I did not come here accidentally
I did not come here because I was told to do so
I am here because I should be here
Just because I am on a different path than you
Does not mean that I am lost

Quote from H Jackson Brown Jr. (1991) "People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost."


Monday, March 05, 2012


Young Robin is my secret light
A candle in the dead of night
He sits atop my shoulder right
And watches over me

He has no blood, nor has he bone
His flesh is air, his eyes are stone
He wears a crown of abalone
And watches over me

All men fall at his starry gaze
His words work wonders that amaze
His left hand cools, his right ablaze
And watches over me

He moves like smoke upon the breeze
His gentle step upsets the leaves
Each time he saunters through the trees
And watches over me

He only eats honey and spice
He only drinks lemon with ice
And sleeps in a box filled with dice
And watches over me
