Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Today I wish magic upon you

(Unpublished middle-of-the-night poem written 01/02/2018)

Today I wish magic upon you,
to sway your hips, to move your feet,
to fill your chanterelle heart with song and love,
to remind you, you are no alone.
I wish upon you that kind of magic,
The one that happens at night,
when you read and you’re transported.
The magic that happens when you hear a song,
and your skin is on fire,
as if you’re drawn to the sky by every hair on your body.
I wish magic on you so strong,
that you can set people’s hearts aflame,
and leave them wondering what just hit them.
I wish magic upon you,
the kind that accompanies the slow healing of old wounds,
the kind that keeps you alive,
the kind that reminds you daily,
you’re good; you’re beautiful.
I wish that magic upon you,
so when you sleep,
you dream of good things.
