Friday, July 31, 2015

The Shy Thing

I've always seen him
the shy thing
standing behind doors
hiding around corners
nobody sees him
but I do
he's very shy
the shy thing
with his little smile
his little teeth
his long claws

he doesn't eat much
usually the rotting things
at the bottom of the bin
he likes them
they're easier to eat
and they taste like something
he likes the grease on the polystyrene containers
I bring home
he likes spicy food

nobody believes me
when I tell them about him
they can't see him
they think he's imaginary
but I see him
he's always been here
for as long as he can remember
in this house
and he knows all the best places to hide
under the small table in the hallway
nobody looks there
up the three doors in the ceiling
nobody notices them
behind the television unit
in the empty cupboard nobody uses
often you'll hear a light go on or off
but you don't know which light it was
it's the light in the ceiling
in the dead of night
you can sometimes hear is feet shuffle
he doesn't walk so well
he's been hurt
long ago
so he shuffles
wearing odd socks
the ones that go missing in the wash
I gave him an old shirt of mine once
and we became instant friends

I made noodles for him once
he didn't like them
he left them till they went all green
then he slurped them up

he's a very good friend
one day the bad people came
they said they fix the electricity
one man went up into the ceiling
he never did say what he saw
but he came down his rickety ladder
white like a crushed fast food plate
he wouldn't say
his boss said he was being silly
the shy thing sat on the boss' head
I don't know what everyone else saw

but the boss died some days after that in hospital
they said his brains went all green
the shy thing said he went to visit the boss
in hospital
he said it was the only time he'd ever leave
when he went out to eat
he said that with a smile I didn't like

the shy thing is such a good friend
but now I don't like going up into the ceiling any more
not since the boss came to stay in my house
I didn't like it
but the shy thing insisted
the boss screams a lot
when the shy thing locked the boss up in the ceiling
then I couldn't hear the boss so well any more
which I liked
he's very afraid
and that makes me afraid
the screams upset me
but the shy thing keeps him quiet with his nails
most of the time anyway
but nobody else can hear the screams
I guess
some people are good
at only seeing and hearing
what they want to


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

When the anger dies

the anger goes, as it does
and I'm left with one question
Who's side are you on?
and I guess after that
I'll see if my anger was warranted
in the mean time
I'll wait
with my question
pulp in my mouth
and my anger sitting in the corner
and my hurt back in the closet


Tuesday, July 28, 2015


herald of fear comes back, screaming
insistent that I remember things I'd rather forget
forcing me to the ground
hands on my shoulders
feeding me images of pain and suffering
poured onto my psyche
old forgotten guilt
dripping onto my soul
like tomato sauce shaken out of a bottle
let loose by further shaking
and the pain floods over me again
unstopping nightmare with open eyes
finding me in the dead of night
to remind me
that even after years of being free
I have to relive this pain

if I could, I'd stab the herald
and bury him where I keep the memories of the man
the man who molested me
so long ago
and I'd convinced myself over again
that I should be better by now


Sunday, July 26, 2015


     fucking fat
     thick round
each piece of me
     this fat
     pound for pound
me fat
     something for you
but my fat body
     for you to hang your insecurities off
          like I'm a coatrack 
               for the point you're trying to make
for you to be counterpoint to
     so you've got something to feel better than
for you to find your 'inspiration'
     to be used for your goals
          to shame me for your ego
          to hide me behind your neckline and thigh-gap
fuck you
     this is my fat
          and you can't have any


This Land is Your Land

this land is your land?
it's weird you say that
you came with loud guns
you came with bright flags

you colonized them
and then you claimed that
this land was always made for you

you built your houses
on native gravestones
and on their temples
you build payphones

pretend their gone now
that you are destined
that this land was always made for you

went from Apartheid
to segregation
you painted this
your rainbow nation

and now you stand there
with all you stole, saying
this land was always made for you

your hateful heroes
put up in marble
your white guilt
a whispered garble

and now you pretend
it's not related
this land was always made for you

your racist systems
you now defend them
with guns and flags
you swore were not yours

and now you yell
from every plaza
this land was always made for you

and you've got houses
blood money pay checks
built on the sweat of
black broken bare backs

and you're just descended
you never did that
this land was always made for you


An Appreciation of Kitsch

what isn't straightforward
                               is kitsch
bent and twisted               
                 queer faggot dyke
                         female / femme
            not white
                          transgender non binary
this is what I want          
metallic trim on martini glasses     
plush toys hanging from my rear view mirror
garish clothes                                   
insulting to the sensible       
food for the senses   
          kitsch is my blood spilt
                   kitsch are my dead friends
                                      kitsch is my dead flowers in the window
that I keep anyway
            kitsch is bad eyeliner
kitsch is how I dance
               all elbows and stomping
  kitsch is dinner at my house                                    
                                             late, rich, and far too much   
kitsch is my body                                     
                      far too fat                                       
            far too scarred                                        
far too ugly                                                        
                               kitsch is my love
                    reckless and fast
kitsch is history from the perspective of the victim                  
kitsch is music sung from a grieving mouth             
                     kitsch is staying up way too late to watch YouTube videos
kitsch is late for my appointments  
  kitsch is curved and hurting
  like my spine
                                               kitsch can't stand up when it's cold
                                                               kitsch cries with me when I'm in pain
                                             kitsch bleeds with me when my veins won't clot
      kitsch cries with me when I'm depressed
and the world is like a leaden sinker             
dragging me down                                                 
                       kitsch is glitter on my pillow
          that's what I want
                                           allowing a suffering world to be beautiful
                                         in the face of such incredible hatred and violence
kitsch is the messiah                                              
who fucks so gently                                      
and kisses to tenderly                         
and tells us that everything   
is going to be          


Saturday, July 25, 2015

I wish you were there

I wish you were there
for reasons the religious struggle to understand
for reasons atheists find inscrutable
I miss you
unlike I miss any god
losing god was like a chain snapped off of my neck
losing you was like you died a second time
this time for good
because I know this time you're gone
and I really need you right now
because I'm lost
while I know you're the only one who knows the way
though, now you've gone somewhere I can't follow
the solace of seeing you again is gone
the person I'm speaking to now
is merely my lonely heart
substituting an old memory
a kind nostalgia that keeps you alive
I miss you so much
far too many of you died
and there are so few people to talk to left this side


Friday, July 24, 2015

Just Because I'm Quiet

you think it doesn't hurt
just because I'm quiet
you think it doesn't set my heart on fire
just because I quietly take it
you think it's okay
you think you're safe from criticism
when you misgender me
when you disregard who I am
and you think I'm okay with it
just because I've stopped speaking
you think you're in good company
and you are
you think you can do it
because everyone does it
you think your opinion on this matters more
because you can shut me up quickly
by steamrolling over me
and you think it's okay
because I'm too tired to say anything
you think it's okay
because if I didn't deserve this
then I would keep speaking up

but be careful
when I stop talking all together
that's when you should worry
because when I stop talking
then I start moving
and it's usually
as far


Sunday, July 19, 2015

I'm not your fucking sychopant

I'm not your fucking sychopant
I don't owe you my smile
a clock tuned to your dial
when you fuck up
I don't owe you a polite wink
and affirm everything you think
I don't owe you my silence
this isn't anything new
when you fuck up
don't expect me to praise you
when you hurt people
don't expect me to assuage your guilt
as if I'm a cog to the ego you built
when you're an arsehole
I don't owe you my approval
But fuck with me
and you'll earn your instant removal
you've known this all along
but you act as if I've surprised you
as if everything I've said 
is something wholly new


#BeBetter is the summer time motto of a friend of mine, Dr. T.J. Tallie. I take great joy in pilfering his hashtag.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Cannibalized (An Old Poem Rewritten)

I rewrote this to more clearly reflect who I am. I wrote this originally trying to be cisgender, but I felt like this poem didn’t quite reflect who I am as well as I would like. So I fixed a few things.

Cannibalized (An Old Poem Rewritten)

there is little left of me
the rest was butchered by you
hidden behind the lines you drew
by the blue mountain's beach
where you broke off my hands
so justice couldn’t reach

and I can’t wipe my eyes
so your knife cannibalized my bones
and left nothing but lies
with my guts scattered among the stones
and my tears lubricated the pieces
made them slide down easy

and my mouth is stammering
with words marching - one / two
like you and your little soldier boys
how proud you must be, such toys
with your little guns and knives
and you fuck other men's wives

and I am left behind
just a chopped up faggot child
not worthy of love or care
pan- omni- bi- sexual, broken, wild and parted
the prime meat cut for your pleasure
the rest discarded

and you tied me down
like a dog and yelled at me
trying to fell my tree
by screaming at it
and you beat me and I bit
and you were so indignant

after all, why should the faggot bite you
you only did your worst for them
they should be grateful
and I did all I could to fight you
I'd be so terribly spiteful
the militant gay child

you taught the recipes well
and I learned
maybe not the lessons your taught
but I spurned your hunger
and I burned your books
and I ran away

and you saw my love for a black friend
and you threw your toys out of the cot
and you poured another soda and gin
so that all your little abuses may be forgot
but I remember still
and I bet you do too

and you do, you still do
everywhere I go I see it
the lines drawn by your knife
telling your story bit by bit
and you cry, "It's not true, not true."
your own protest defaming you

your uniform has faded a lot
and your lot is up
along with your time
spilled from your gin cup
along with my blood and pieces
mixed with your spit and grime

and I'm ready to be slaughtered
with rope and lace
clamped into one place
with my pace stuck
like I'm held down by glue
the remnants parts of you

when I stole my pieces back
they came back covered with dirt
the filth from you
splattered over my shirt and boots
years worth of accrue
eating into my roots

but I burned myself clean
baptized by fire
free of the dogmatic dream
the illusory liar
and my pieces found rest
and peace found the missing bits of me

and the smallest bits of me
did find their way home
and finally started to grow
some semblance of life
to be left alone
the last few inches of me

and your racist tongue is gone
and your teeth are out of my soul
the years have been long
since I last saw you
and you called
and I hung up on you

it felt so good
everyone thought I was in shock
you must have hurt me
but I was elated
such an arrogant cock I was
and I was happy

and I found my pieces
hiding here and there
behind another CD
behind another glass of water
one piece longing to be a son
the other longing to be a daughter

and one just wanting to be me
lost in a bitter world
fatherless from one father I flee
into an uncertain world
without your thoughts
without your plan

and I put myself together
fillet, Sirloin and Chops
gizzards, heart, the lot
all dancing to be amalgamated
thrown into the cooking pot
hoping that I be reanimated


Sunday, July 05, 2015

Paint the road queer

paint the road queer
at fifth gear
a calabash of dicks
and flavoured beer

well... beer for you
and espresso for me
and that schnitzel cut thick
smothered in sauce ... this turned unexpectedly sexy

whooting with laughter
singing in the winter
hot with jokes and fields
baked in Natal swelter

kith on the road
a good time of year
crashing a wedding (literally, sorry Erin)
to paint the road queer

something along those lines
