Monday, March 28, 2016

Three Poems (Unseen Hurt, Tools Of The Trade, New Year's Hope)

Recorded more audio which you can listen to HERE. I'm hoping to do more of these soon. Keep an eye and ear out.

Have a wonderful day.



Repurposed (audio)

So, if you're a fan of my poem Repurposed (HERE), which featured on Poetry Potion (HERE), you should head over to Soundcloud to hear my audio recording of the poem with some of my weird guitar messing about in the background (HERE).

Hopefully there will be more of this in the future. Keep your eye out. Head over to Poetry Potion and give my stuff a read (and other lovely poets' poetry too). Buy some books, I will be in their next book Infinite Wonders (which you can read about HERE).

Anyways. Have a lovely day.



Gender Magic

there is no greater magic
than the spells I cast
using a razor
and cutting the man off of my face
a subtle spell that removes this boyhood
and rinses it down the drain
this invocation that
from out of the dark: the interlopers
that embody me
so that I may know greater things even
more than the men and women
they who don't know
they who stand static on the binary


Saturday, March 26, 2016


scratch the itch
gouge it out
hammer, file
rub and rout
wear and wipe
tear and break
bite and bend
until bones ache
weather down
the bigot block
till nothing's left
but grit and rock


Thursday, March 17, 2016


"for women" is the reason men fought their wars?
            like jackets on mud puddles and opening doors
              men laid us out like carcasses on floors
gutted us and killed us
                     and pretended that they were the victims
          because our deaths weren't as honourable
men did none of this "for women"           
we, the un-man, were the acted upon                  
the field that was tilled                                               
the price that was billed                                         
the hysteria pilled                    
the drink swilled
we were never people                                                     
we were your objects                                                          
your things                                                                                 
                                    the good women cloistered and brided off
                  the bad women, queers, people of colour
fucked, raped, abandoned, and killed   
"for us"?
                                                         you did "for us" what bankers do for money
                          "for us" what robbers do for gold
                      "for us" what the colonist did for land
"for us" what the christian did for souls
this was never about us                                      
and of course              
  of course
            of course
you say that you did it "for us"                                        
we should be grateful                                          
at least someone was thinking about us   
how nice...                                 
                             gobble us up all sugar and spice
                     because we'd be wise to play along
                in a game where we're the ball to be kicked around
men faught wars "for us"?                                                  

go fuck yourself

                                      don't put your blood on my hand
                        use my body as a crutch so you can stand
like the slaver who did it all for the slave's own good                          
                                                      (and of course the land)
         it's the one great thing that I wish you'd understand
the one thing i wish you'd get into your head                                       
damned right, I wish that chivalry was dead                       


Sunday, March 13, 2016


feed your wishes to the fishes
they're no good for you
your wishes fleeting dreams
made to stars so far away
a lifetime will pass
and a wish will be no closer
to a star that screams its own wishes
into the void of space
where a single ear hears
and remains grossly impartial
to the cries of the stars
how much less should consequence
the lord of abandon
care for the wishes
of bipedal apes
crawling on the surface
of an infected grit
floating through space
here for one second
and gone without a trace
at least wish on the sun
she's closer
Sol with her crown
who burns you with her smile
and her here/not-here attitude
that sets the clocks aspin
the sun and Earth twinned in dance
to a song sung by a dent in the film
as thin as a wish
and as volumous as all eternity
your wish should bend this?
you'd do more damage with a kiss
a fart in the sky
a bat of your eye
a twirl in a dance
stands a better chance
to move the stars
than um's and aah's
wrought out of a childish need
to alter the universe with a selfish greed


Friday, March 11, 2016

300th Post

So... I've noticed that I have 300 posts up on my blog. Yay for me! I've been running this blog since late 2009, I've gotten 12,000 views so far, and nearly 10 subscribers. So yay for me. I will be celebrating with a Martini glass, coke, and a stick of cinnamon, because honestly you need something in a Martini glass that goes to waste.

(Yes, I am sparkling, and for once it isn't from sweat.)

Yes, I know technically, this is my 300th post, so technically I'm celebrating the fact that I forced a milestone, but you know what? Look at that distraction over there...



Check my poetry on Poetry Potion

Hey! I have a new poem up on Poetry Potion. Go have a look. Vote. Share. Read. Buy some of their books... (especially ones with my poems in them).

New Poem: HERE
And my stuff on Poetry Potion: HERE



Monday, March 07, 2016


the fear that promises and never delivers
a liar and a cheat
with a face sweet and misleading
twisting your every second dream
just enough so you think
"maybe all my dreams are this way"
so you stop
as it tears just enough of your world down
so you have to carry on
headed through life at the speed of a corpse


Friday, March 04, 2016


full is easy
sated not so much
full is a bowl of rice
sated is a good rice salad
full is fucking ten random guys
sated is the love of one
it is true
I want the whole world
but make no mistake
I'll take full over empty in a heartbeat
