Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Me and my body

the people who are the most loud

about me and my body

the people who are most critical

of me and my body

the people who tell me to be ashamed

of me and my body

the people who deny me autonomy

of my and my body

are always the same people who want access

to me and my body without my consent


Polyhymnia would be so proud

It took one tragedy too many,
to rob me of poetry,
It was the final stone in my windshield,
that left me in pieces so many;
strewn across four years of asphalt,
that I have to walk back on,
and pick up the words as I go.
I've left a few words along the way,
I got in the way of you hurting me."
I'm not who you want me to be."
I didn't accept your hate."
I was so angry at your nonsense."
I left that word behind and
picked up a few old golden nuggets.
"Fuck off" is a choice phrase that I found,
re-entering my everyday lexicon.
Sometimes spoken.
Sometimes just a thought behind a smile.
