even among queer folk, it is taught
don’t you dare be woman
don’t be femme, she, or soft
they tell you it’s poison
gay guys are told it’s wrong
to effectively unman
kink wrist, and partake
in any feminine action
gay women are told they’re sluts
if they betray any feminine notion
but lesbians are fucked either way
for the crime of actually being women
trans folk are branded cheats
accused of wanting attention
for being frauds and fiends
for cheating the system
naturally the crime is woman
the sin in every religion
embodied in every direction
the worst of every decision
they tell you it’s wrong
on Facebook on Grindr in person
no pansies, no poofs, no femmes
as if that’s the worst that could happen
in patriarchy repackaged
this queer assimilation
is all about fitting in
(and hopefully Caucasian)
because girl is imperfect
and woman is broken
and boy is becoming
and man is salvation
it’s strange how queer folk
fight so hard to be human
but turn around and teach
don’t you dare be woman