It's been years
since I've seen it done this well
the old face of the psychopath
hunting for prey
the same old moves
Artistically performed
so suave and savagely saccharine
sophisticated sophistry's serenade
subtle sympathectomy of my soul
such syzygetic seduction
Charm leaking from you
flitting between people and conversations
like a honey bee
from this flower to that flower
testing the harvest, testing it's fruit
Spreading your pearliest smile
a tight grip on my shoulder
that old touch I remember well
the uninvited but warm touch
for one so young, you are well practiced
"I know you," I think to myself
I've felt this before in another life
so sweet you are, your trap so alluring
kind and measured, clockwork words
the snake charming the fakir
For all your intentions
I won't relapse into your trap
nor be taken in by your enticement
that kiss that predates the bite
prelude of pain that inevitably inundates
I'm not that stupid
to fall back into that touch again
that snaps shut when I'm not looking
find your morbid supply elsewhere
I'm craving enough on my own as it is