And into my life another straight boy pops in,
Bursting me with his sharp cock, like a pin.
Inserting himself in my every space,
While I try to wipe the torrent of spit from my face...
So I rebuff his attempt to distract and derail,
Shocked and horrified his face goes all pale.
How dare I have the nerve to object!
He quickly reminds me to have some respect.
Declaring the way it’s going to be,
Because I need another straight cis- boy to calibrate me,
“Intellectually dishonest,” he ejaculates,
To teach me what’s-what he pontificates.
Indignant that I won’t play along with his game,
To gild up his goodness and spank me my blame.
Him Mister Righteous and me Mister Clown.
He cries because I won’t ride his horse to town.
Blatantly ignoring my original objection,
He storms on ahead with his childish erection,
Flailing his arms at my stubborn contention,
He fires himself up with yet more pretention.
He’s not here to fight, he just asked a question,
As if prosecution for the Devil was his only intention.
The pattern continues with the insecure male,
If it threatens your penis then try to derail.
Then mansplain to safeguard your holy position,
Reminding me my place is one of submission,
To your concerns, methods, and “intellectual” clime.
As if men hadn’t done that since the beginning of time.
Because I’m fucking stupid, never seen this before.
Some straight cis- boy having a shit on my floor,
And getting all righteous when I don’t play ball,
And let boys be boys at the centre of it all.
I’ve seen you before, and a thousand times more.
You’re just another sexist with his foot in my door.
An entitled boy who has to have his say,
And throws a big tantrum when he can’t have his way.
If you want to be ally to people like me,
Question your privilege and complicity.
Till then you can pout and sulk and frown,
Just shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.
When I talk of rape, and you come along,
With your cock to pierce me as if I’m doing it wrong,
I’ll tell you what I told the man who hurt me back when,
I'll never play by your rules ever again.
On a related note: Every time I make a comment about sexism, feminism, rape, intersectionality, privilege, race, etc... and all the privileged / married / employed / white / straight / cis- men come out of the woodwork to tell me how I'm doing it wrong: