Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Gods' Men

the gods' men
mouthpieces of mistrust
that recite the virtues of women
women made chattel by scripture
women you've bent to your patriarchy
women you supposedly protect
women you beat in secret
the good wife
and virtuous daughter
you that have made us other
you that have gendered men and women
as fundamentally different
you that see women as servants of men
you that see transgender people as subversive freaks
you that don't see nonbinary people at all
you and your gods
and your scripture
that write submission and hierarchy into your hearts
hatred made manifest
of course I mistrust you
and everything you say
you praise our virtues
if our virtue is founded in serving you
you fear our liberation
because everything you are
is grounded in our oppression
you are the reason I disbelieve in your gods


Friday, July 29, 2016


I stitched words to my skin
the likes of which you'd never utter
I sewed them on like crosswords
so each meets each
so you can read me
any which way you like
at your own risk
because when morning comes
you'll have read my scars
onto your own skin
into your own mind
and we will share them
like a secret word
shared between intimate partners
woven into the sheets
and you couldn't say
whether you knew this yesterday
or whether it's all new to you


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Cleromancy v0.1

Charl Landsberg


Cleromancy is a game played on a chessboard (or any square grid) with polyhedral (role playing) dice, including the d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20, (the d100 is not used in this game, but can be used as a makeshift d10 since it is the same thing for all intents and purposes.) Each dice represents a unit that can be summoned. The number of sides on the dice is equal to the total health of the unit. As health is lost per unit the player can keep track of health lost by turning the dice to indicate current health at any given point. If a unit’s health is depleted to one point it can no longer move, but it can continue to do damage. If a unit’s health is depleted to zero the unit is removed from the board.

What you’ll need:

1) Dice. Each player has to have the same dice pool available to them. So if one player only has one set of dice then this is the maximum dice pool for each player. Ideally three sets of dice per player will work well. As explained later only 1d12 and 1d20 are necessary per player. For basic versions of this game (see Party) you can use 1d6, 1d8, and 1d10. Negotiate with one another, share dice to expand the possible pool, and just be fair.

2) A set of mana counters. Mana is generated in each round of the game and counters will be necessary to keep track of mana gained and spent. I have these half flattened red and blue marbles that work very well.  Mana has to be shown at all times. Mana can be exchanged between players if there are more than two players. For basic versions of this game you will not need to keep track of mana.

The Units:

The Scion (d4)
4 HP
It costs 2 mana to build.
It generates 1 mana each round.
It can move 1 square each turn in any direction.
It can do 2 damage.
It has a damage range of 2.
It has to remain within 1 move of the Keep at all times.
It can spend its turn healing another unit for 1 health instead of generating it’s mana that round.

The Tribune (d6)
6 HP
It costs 3 mana to build.
It can move 1 square in any directions.
It can do 2 damage.
It has a damage range of 1.

The Magus (d8)
8 HP
It costs 5 mana to build.
It can move 3 squares but only in straight lines.
It can do 1 damage.
I has a damage range of 3.

The Consul (d10)
10 HP
It costs 7 mana to build.
It can move 2 squares in any direction.
It can do 2 damage
It has a damage range of 2.

The Titan (d12)
12 HP
Each player can only have one Titan in play at any given time.
It costs 10 mana to build.
It can move 1 square but only up / down / left / right, no diagonal movement.
It can do 5 damage.
It has a damage range of 1.

The Keep (d20)
20 HP
Each player can only have one Keep per game.
Generates 2 mana per round.
Can summon a unit, units appear at any square immediately next to the Keep.
Cannot Move / no damage.

Game Order:

At the beginning of the game each player rolls a d20 to see who starts.

Each player then spends their first turn summoning their Keep (d20) onto the board. A Keep (d20) may not touch the edge of the board.

Mana generation at the beginning of each consequent turn.

Units are summoned into play after mana generation.

Two units may move per round.

At the end of each round each of that player’s units may deal damage to any enemy units within its reach up to the value of its damage. So a Consul (d10) can do 2 damage, if two enemy units are within its range (2), the player can choose to either deal 2 to either of the enemy units, or 1 to each unit. The Titan can deal 4 damage, if it were in range of 2 enemy units, it can deal 4 damage to either enemy, or 2 / 2 or 3 / 1.

Once damage has been dealt no further moves may occur and the player’s turn is over.

The default game ends when a player has destroyed all other enemy Keeps or all other units.

Variations on Game Play:

Storm the Keep: Default game. Destroy the enemy keep.

Annihilation: Destroy all enemy units.

Expand: The chess board can be too small for more complex games. Try a bigger grid. This may be entirely essential if you are going to play with more than 3 players or plan on longer games.

Rush: Gain 5 mana per round from the Casle (d20) instead of 2.

Party: Start the game with just one Tribune (d6), one Magus (d8), and one Consul (d10) per player. Game ends when all opponent units have been killed.

Expedition: each player starts with 19 mana and can purchase Tribunes (d6’s) at 3 mana, Maguses (d8’s) at 5 mana, and Consuls (d10’s) at 7 mana. Any mana not spent is wasted.

Scorcher: The Keep only generates 1 mana per turn. Scions (d4) cost 5 mana to make. Only one piece may move a turn. Only one piece may deal damage a turn.

Hexed: Each player has only one set of dice (1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, 1d20) in their dice pool.

Mortal: Each piece may only be summoned once. Once it dies it is removed from your dice pool for the rest of the game. If you have agreed on two 2d4 you may only summon two Scions (d4). If they are killed, then you cannot summon them again that game. (this can be used in conjunction with other rules too.)

Law of the Land: Make up your own rules.

Fate: Include an additional d20. Each time damage is dealt by a piece, a player rolls the d20. If the player rolls a 20 the unit does double damage. If the player rolls a 1 the unit does damage to itself.

Future Endeavours:

This game is still in its early days. Expect developments to the rules, addons, special moves, etc…

Friday, July 22, 2016


that little dance with circumstance
a roll to catch a look at chance
what little dreams we scratch from this
to steal a kiss and stand askance
as if we could look beyond the veil
and see where we had gone amiss
as if numbers could be our salvation
we give such weight to numeration


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Under the Tree

you jeer at fat bodies
but turn to me
you would never
never say such a thing about me

I believe you
you would never say such a thing about me
not to my face
you’re far too much of a coward

because all you see is fat
your eyes on my bones
your eyes on my skin
your eyes on my fat
your eyes see one thing
one story
that single story 
that you’ve been glutting on 
your whole life
so your jeers and barbs 
have taken on your singular story

when you jeer 
at fat bodies that aren’t me
you speak 
with the same voice 
of the jeers and barbs running 
like ladder scars up my waistline
you tell me 
my cuts are not caused by your knife
when you’ve spent a lifetime
sharpening your blade 
under the tree 
where we hang ourselves


Tuesday, July 19, 2016


high school days
scratching Tipp-Ex off my fingers
rather cause them to bleed
than be caught doing something girly
by the man who beat you for so much as stepping out of line
and now I've graduated to much shinier lacquers
and the panic still sets in
and I have to calm myself down
get the thinners out
to stop myself from biting
till the blood flows


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A year ago...

Sandra Bland died today
but long ago
the hurt is still in the faces of her siblings
the wound is still so raw
and her siblings die
her parents die
like it digs up old graves
and she's here again
as if she died yesterday



we've tried 
for so long
to scrub the queer from us
like trying to scrub dye from a cloth
only to rub it in 
so much 
that our hands bleed
that our nails are impregnated
dye seeping into our cuticles
running into the creases of our knuckles
and the folds of our hands
so much 
that even the fake fortune teller
can see that queer runs deep 
into our future
through our veins
so whether we paint it on
or wash it off
we are queer
no cure to absolve us
no gods to forgive us
no laws to ban us
we've run into the veins of society
reminding it
that we are like Cochineal
crush us
and we'll just make more colour
we're a part of the cloth now
we are the clothes you wear
the curtains you drape
the bed sheets you fuck on
the upholstery of your car
we're not adjacent
we're intrinsic
and no bigot can undo that
spill our blood
and you will only be reminded of your own


Sunday, July 10, 2016

Purple Pt 2

...also it's my birthday :)


Saturday, July 09, 2016



and the text:

I grew up pretending to be blue.
Pretending to be Apollo with his sky’s hue.
Daddy’s favourite. Because maybe...
...maybe if I stole a leaf from a man’s book,
I could become the things I took.
Not queer as one as they 'mistook'?
But I’m not him and that’s not me,
so I threw myself at red.
Queer as blood. Dense as lead.
Unmoving anger that flung me there,
burning passion inside my head,
that ate me up and left me dead,
a shell used up, naked and bare,
and I twisted,
unbecame the expectation,
and embraced the fault,
became the in/between,
I named myself whole.
With incantations that roll,
off my tongue with spit,
off my pen with inks,
and became the hex, the jinx.
And as for what Apollo stole,
who cares what that fucker thinks.


Thursday, July 07, 2016

Twice bitten, still not shy.

but you were there with your wit and charms
and your winning smile and your well built arms
so when I caught up with your little game
you were off again and I was still the same
and I just lay there in my blood on the floor
rehashing the lessons I should have learnt before
with those guys who set off all the alarms
with their winning smiles and their well built arms
