Saturday, March 17, 2012

To B with Love

When you cried, I shared your tears
You wet my shoulder through the years
I watched you cut through guys like hair
As often as you changed underwear

I stood by you when you fell down
You'd drink to make your sorrows drown
I did these things because I knew
That you loved me like I loved you

You'd snatch guys up and spit them out
And watch them beg, you'd smile and pout
And string them down the road like sheep
Like some psychotic Lil' Bo Peep

And you got high on Jesus gas
And stuck the Bible up your ass
And then let on that you were pure
That none could tarnish your allure

You got high on that mighty horse
And preached a storm with no recourse
How gays and fags and dikes and queers
Deserved to die in blood and tears

And after all they might as well
Since they are predestined for hell
So we should stone them, this you know
For the Bible tells you so

So to a bitch from this old runt
I loved you once, you stupid cunt
And though you think you've gotten far
We all know who you really are

So bring your stones, make sure they land
and then look to your bloodstained hand
See how you became so much more
A killer as well as a whore

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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