I'm disenamoured with clever
clever without compassion and care
what is your clever?
hollow minstrel to screech out the day
the dull echo of cisgender voices
their chanting cacophony
tintinnabulation of smarts
how they have fallen entirely in love
with the sound of themselves
but there are those of us
we trans people
who have been served stealth as survival
but we’re branded as cheats and liars
because: haven’t-we-fooled-you-good?
the familiar drone of privileged men
clanging their way through us
drowning out our subtle cries
cishet boy scuffs his toe and tjanks so loudly
"but I, too, have known suffering"
while entire generations flood by
queer is flushed down the toilet
along with used makeup wipes
the loud bells ring
where cishet becomes the gatekeeper
the teacher
back to class
back to class
learn to be cishet
squash yourself back into binary
this is the preapproved syllabus
the school ubiquitous
like air we breathe
cisociety's pseudolung
hissing hissing hissing
pumping our lungs full of it
eradication and assimilation
in the absence of truth
the artificial flavour
this is clever
splained to us from klaxons
"you're a fraud"
"you're a fraud"
"you're a fraud"
"you're a fraud"
sunup to sundown
we don't even hear it anymore
and conveniently neither do they
so they can say
we're imagining things
hearing voices where none exist
the hatred we feel is merely
or "science"
biology shoved down our throats
and why not?
Germaine Greer is a "well respected feminist"
TERF through-and-through
and afterall, who are we to disagree?
sung to the same tune of MRA's and atheist dudebros
jammed down our throats
as we're expected to sing their tune
when the same songs we sing to water our plants
are the songs we sing to bury our dead
driven into the ground
by steamdriven machines
heavy percussive clanks
imbedding us in easily consumable
so Logo TV has something to present
something nice and simple
sweet to the ears
an uncomplicated song
to sing in harmony with homonationalism
pinkwashed lyrics
for pinkwashed consumers
who all have gay friends
so they totally know the words to sing
all in harmony with the noise
that drowns out the drowning
that screams over the subtle voice
the voice that asks for
her not him
he not she
they not her
ze not he
but clever sounds so much better
and your "free speech"
so much more important
than lives trampled under cisconsumerism
and a feminism that hates women
that likes to pretend that the non-binary doesn't exist
it's all very clever
isn't it?
a clever song
with clever words
and when all is said and done
how good is your clever when we are dead
or was that your tune all along?