Wednesday, May 17, 2017


I'm divisive, you say?
For pointing out the knife?
You're here ending my life,
and I'm the one sewing discord?
You promote hatred and violence,
and hide behind plausible deniability,
but I'm the hateful one,
because I have ears to hear and eyes to see?
Look over there,
where my friends are lying,
face down in the dirt.
And over there,
where my friends are crying,
hunched over bodies,
pulling knives from flesh.
Your knives.
But we're divisive?
For pointing that out?
We've made you feel bad?
Your ickle feelings are hurt?
You're just trying,
to have a civil conversation?
A lively debate?
You're just asking a question,
playing Devil's advocate,
pretending as if this is equal terrain.
We lay here in pain,
with your knife in our gut,
and you want to pretend the footrace is fair.
You want to pretend,
that your 'opinion' matters,
at least as much as human life?
The lives you've made unlivable?
Sure honey.
Try stabbing people physically,
and use this argument on the judge.
I bet you'll get the same reaction.
Fuck you.


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